March 12th, 2024

Want success? You need People first Marketing

In an age where technology is ever-evolving, the heart of marketing remains unchanged: it's all about people.

In an age where technology is ever-evolving, the heart of marketing remains unchanged: it's all about people.

For technology brands, a people-first approach is not just beneficial; it's essential for sustainable growth and customer loyalty. In this blog post, we aim to deep dive into how tech brands can craft a marketing strategy that puts people at the forefront. Ensuring technology serves as a bridge to human connection, rather than a barrier.

Understanding People-First Marketing

People-first marketing pivots from product focused to people focused strategies. Aiming to meet the needs, desires, and challenges of your customers, current and potential. It's all about taking time to understand the person behind the computer screen. Acknowledging their emotions, experiences, and the context in which they interact with technology as a whole.

For companies, this means leveraging technology not just to innovate, but to enhance human experiences. Making technology accessible, relatable, and beneficial to the end user.

The Human Element in Tech

Technology can often feel impersonal or intimidating to the average consumer. Integrating the human element into your marketing efforts can demystify technology and make it more approachable. Share stories of how your technology solves real-life problems, improves daily life, or connects people in meaningful ways. Focus on the value you can provide to their real life, rather than features.

Nothing is more powerful than sharing real-world applications. They demonstrate the impact of your technology on individuals or communities. As part of your overall strategy you should be looking to converting customers into advocates of your brand. They'll be your strongest converting element your strategy will have.

Listening and Learning from Your Audience

A core component of people-first marketing is active listening. We talk about it in more depth here.

Engage with your audience through social media, forums, and feedback channels to understand their needs, preferences, and pain points. Use this feedback to inform your product development and marketing strategies.

But make it obvious so that it's showing your audience that their voices matters and that you're committed to addressing their needs. It good to try and think of your marketing strategy as a conversation rather than a speech.

You can achieve this through firstly Social listening tools. Utilising advanced social listening tools can help you monitor mentions, keywords, and trends related to your industry.

This data collection helps brands make quick adjustments to their strategies. It helps them understand what their audience is interested in, what they struggle with, and what they want. This information is valuable for brands to stay relevant and meet the needs of their customers.

Beyond listening, deep dives into analytics provide a quantitative basis for understanding how content performs and audience behaviours. This includes analysing website traffic, engagement rates, and conversion metrics to identify what resonates most with your audience.

Use what you learn from listening and learning to adjust your strategies as your audience changes and grows over time. To succeed, your business needs to be flexible. Willing to innovate and adapt based on ongoing feedback from your audience.

Brands can create a more personalised experiences for customers by using these methods. This can lead to increased satisfaction and loyalty. This method focuses on seeing your audience as partners in your company's journey, not just as customers.

Make it Personal

In a world flooded with generic marketing messages, personalising your content makes it stand out. Use data and insights to tailor your marketing messages to the individual level, addressing specific needs, interests, and behaviours. This could mean suggesting products based on previous purchases, offering flexible options for technology solutions, or creating content that addresses specific user challenges. Even when creating wider content pieces, we always tackle them as if we're just putting it in front of one person.

Building a Community

Communities are powerful in the tech world. They provide a platform for users to share experiences, offer support, and learn from each other. Foster a sense of community around your brand by creating spaces for your audience to interact.

It could be through social media groups, forums, or user conferences. Community-building efforts show that you value your customers beyond the purchase. you're investing in their success and fostering a sense of belonging. It provides you with a much better understanding of how customers perceive and use your product and service.

Transparency and Trust

Trust is paramount in a people-first marketing approach. Especially for tech companies where concerns about data privacy and security are prevalent. Be transparent about your data practices, privacy policies, and the measures you take to protect user information. Address any concerns openly and promptly, demonstrating your commitment to user safety and trust.

Teach your customer base how to stay safe when using your product or service. Include security tips in your marketing materials regularly. Read our blog here on our deep dive into building trust in your brand overall.

Empowering Users Through Education

Technology can be complex, but your marketing shouldn't be. Invest in educational content that empowers your users to make the most of your technology. This can include tutorials, how-to guides, webinars, and FAQs. By demystifying technology, you not only enhance user experience but also build confidence in your brand.

Best practices suggest adopting a multi-channel approach to ensure your message resonates. Make helpful content that explains how your product solves problems and teach users how to do that. It makes it easier to connect with.

Quick tips through social media have high impact and can then draw customers into your more in-depth Q&As or longer form content. We have "five minute to's", meaning we aim to teach something in just 5 minutes for easy understanding. It makes us really focus in on providing real value to one on.

Advocacy and User-Generated Content

Encourage your satisfied customers to share their stories and experiences. User-generated content (UGC), such as customer reviews, social media posts, and case studies, serves as powerful social proof. It demonstrates the real-world value of your technology, through the lens of users who have benefited from it. Additionally, recognise and reward brand advocates and loyal customers, reinforcing the positive relationship between your brand and its users.

Some tips to gain user generated content are

  • Encourage Sharing

Encourage customers to share their product experiences by using contests, hashtags, or challenges on social media platforms. Offer incentives or recognition in return.

  • Highlight User Generate Content

Acknowledge and value your customers' contributions by featuring their content prominently across your platforms. This fosters a stronger community around your brand as they can see you appreciate their efforts.

  • Use Interactive Tools

Use social media tools like polls, Q&As, and "Share a Story" to help users create content quickly and easily.

  • Provide Guidelines

Give clear instructions and creative ideas to inspire your audience. It makes sure the content matches your brand's values and message.

  • Leverage Events

Utilise both online and offline events to encourage real-time User Generated content, creating immediate engagement and wider visibility.

  • The power of Asking

Always maintain transparency by requesting permission before using customers’ content in your marketing efforts. This ensures trust and respect within your community.

Ethical Considerations and Social Responsibility

A people-first approach extends beyond marketing and product development; it encompasses how your brand operates. Address ethical considerations in technology, such as AI ethics, digital inclusion, and environmental impact.

More and more potential customers are looking to see which brands allign with their values before they make a purchase decision. Tech brands can demonstrate their concern for more than just profits by focusing on social responsibility. They can also support the well-being of society and the planet as a whole. This shows that you care about making a positive impact beyond financial gain, that you stand for something bigger than your product.


Crafting a people-first marketing strategy requires tech brands to look beyond the features. Focusing instead on the human experiences their technology enables. It's about creating meaningful connections, solving real problems, and building trust through transparency and empathy. Ultimately it creates meaningful customer experiences.

By putting people at the heart of your marketing efforts, you can navigate the digital age with a human touch. Fostering loyalty and driving sustainable growth in an ever-competitive landscape. Embrace the people-first approach! watch as your brand transforms technology into a force for good, one human experience at a time.